Rwanda Country


Rwanda is located in Central/Eastern Africa, and is bordered by the Democratic Republic of the Congo to the west, Uganda to the north, Tanzania to the east, and Burundi to the south. It lies a few degrees south of the equator and is landlocked. The capital, Kigali, is located in the centre of Rwanda.

Rwanda is famous for its quality of tea along with the natural beauty of the tea garden and surroundings. Enormously found Rwanda's slopes and caustic soils of highland region, with pleasant climate which makes it easy for plantation growth.

Rwanda is one of the countries that produce tea in Africa. Rwanda is famous for its quality of tea along with the natural beauty of the tea garden and surroundings. Enormously found Rwanda's slopes and caustic soils of highland region, with pleasant climate which makes it easy for plantation growth

Capital of Rwanda and Other beauty Places are in Rwanda.


Rwanda Culture

Rwanda culture are integral part of Rwandan ceremonies, festivals, social gatherings and storytelling. The most famous traditional dance is a highly choreographed routine consisting of three components: the umushagiriro, or cow dance, performed by women;[256] the choreographed routine consisting of three components: the umushagiriro, or cow dance, performed by women;[256] the intore, or dance of heroes, performed by men;[256] and the drumming, also traditionally performed by men, on drums known as ingoma[257] The best known dance group is the National is transmitted orally, with styles varying between the social groups. Drums are of great importance; the royal drummers enjoyed high status within the court of the King (Mwami).there are so many thing interested in rwanda like how like mountain gorilla where every bady in world desire to go to cisite. Gorilla

Kigali City

The beaty of the capital of rwanda

 kigali Kigali is the capital city of Rwanda, roughly in the center of the country. It sprawls across numerous hills, ridges and valleys, and has a vibrant restaurant and nightlife scene. It is near the nation's geographic centre. The city has been Rwanda's economic, cultural, and transport hub since it became the capital following independence in 1962. The city hosts the main residence and offices of the President of Rwanda and government ministries. The city is within the province of Kigali City, which was enlarged in January 2006, as part of local government reorganisation in the country. Kigali's city limits cover the whole province; it is consolidated. The city's urban area covers about 70% of the municipal boundaries

Nyungwe Forest

hhhh The Nyungwe Forest is located in southwestern Rwanda, on the border with Burundi, where it is contiguous with the Kibira National Park to the south, and Lake Kivu and the Democratic Republic of the Congo to the west. The Nyungwe rainforest is probably the best preserved montane rainforest in Central Africa. It is located in the watershed between the basin of the river Congo to the west and the basin of the river Nile to the east. From the east side of the Nyungwe forest comes also one of the branches of the Nile sources clike here

Vilunga mountant

vivi The Virunga Mountains (also known as Mufumbiro[1]) are a chain of volcanoes in East Africa, along the northern border of Rwanda, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), and Uganda. The mountain range is a branch of the Albertine Rift Mountains, which border the western branch of theEast African Rift. They are located between Lake Edward and Lake Kivu. The name "Virunga" is an English version of the Kinyarwanda word ibirunga, which means "volcanoes".
The Virunga Mountains are home of the critically endangered mountain gorilla, listed on the IUCN Red List of Endangered Species due to habitat loss, poaching, disease, and war (Butynski et al. 2003). The Karisoke Research Center, founded by Dian Fossey to observe gorillas in their native habitat, is located between Mount Karisimbi and Mount Bisoke.

Gorilla rwanda

 nyungwe The mountain gorillas (Gorilla Gorilla Berengie), the world’s most endangered ape, is found only in small portions of protected afro Montane forests in northwest Rwanda, southwest Uganda, and eastern DRC. The mountain gorilla is one of many species unique to these forests. The forests are also home to many wonderful birds, primates, large mammals, reptiles, insects, plants and also ensure continued water and medicinal plant resources for the local communities. Today nearly half of the world's 700 remaining mountain gorillas live in the virunga Mountains of central Africa, at the intersection of Uganda, Rwanda, and the Democratic Republic of the Cong. Hidden high among the forested volcanoes of gorilla tracking in Volcanoes national parkEast Africa, the mountain gorilla was unknown to science until 1902, when two were first encountered by a German explorer and promptly killed. It set the tone for the relationship. For much of the time since, due to deforestation and poaching, it has seemed that the mountain gorilla was swiftly destined to be lost to the world again. Not long after the species’ greatest champion, the American zoologist Dian Fossey was killed in Rwanda in 1985-there were fewer than 300 of the giant primates left in the wild.

List Of Mountains in the virunga Mount Range

Name of mountainLocation Location Elevation in Metres Elevation in Feet
Mount Karisimbi Rwamda/RDC 4,507 14,790
Mount Bisoke Rwanda/ouganda 4,127 12,180
Mount sabyinyo Rwanda/ouganda/RDC 3,674 12,050
Mount Gaginga Rwanda/ouganda 3,474 11,400
Mount nyiragongo RDC 3,470 11,400
Rwanda Is Full Of beauty